Sun in your Heart
Reconnecting to cosmic love through the
sounds of the glass armonica.
Over the course of many years now, our Wiener Glasharmonika Duo concerts have helped convince our listeners time and again of the amazing, intensive healing power inherent to the glass armonica’s musical vibrations. . The flow of energy streaming forth from this instrument seems to have a magical attraction. Its tones generate high energy and lead us to inner realms of healing and joy.
Many people are longing for a change on our planet. They are weary of being subjected to angst, limitations, and ignorance. However, if we wish to effect the greatest change in ourselves and on the Earth, then we must allow our individual vibration frequency to approach the higher octaves of light.
Through increasing the quotient of our inner light, the heart’s energy field opens itself and reconnects to the love of the cosmos. The glass armonica’s tones flow through our energy bodies.
In this state of joy, our cells are capable of complete regeneration.
„Thousands of years ago, crystal armonicas were brought to the earth at the same time as the crystal skull. The crystal skull brought the cosmic knowledge of the crystal armonica, cosmic music, and its frequency.
Through the simultaneous playing of the crystal harmonica on all the Earth’s continents, the planet could protect and heal itself from attacks by dark civilizations.
These fine, deeply penetrating frequencies also reached the earth’s interior and thus, kept the planet in the rhythm of the galactic symphony.
Over time, though, the dark powers and elements won the upper-hand. They placed a dark veil around the earth in order to separate human civilization from these frequencies of love and the galactic music.
Now that this veil has been torn asunder, the time has come when the human body, the human soul, and human existence can finally heal and once more connect to the galactic home and love.
Through this reconnection with the cosmic frequency, the glass armonica regains the complete scope of its healing power.
Its music once again connects the Earth with the absolute, original frequency, opens people’s hearts, activates the heart’s energy, and reconnects you to your missing strand of DNA.”
Channeled by Pavlina Klemm
Author of “Lichtbotschaften von den Plejaden” (Messages of Light from the Plejades)
For us, it is a great privilege to support the Earth and human beings in reconnecting to the cosmic frequency through the tones of the glass harmonica.
We believe our seminar “sun in the heart” is an important contribution to this endeavor.
01 Feb 2020
Deine Heilung durch die kosmische Liebe
Die gechannelten Meditationen von Pavlina werden vonden Klängen der Glasharmonika begleitet.
Dies trägt dazu bei, dass sich dein Bewusstsein und deine Anbindung an die geistige Welt erhöht.
Seminarort: 1080 WIEN
Seminarort: 1080 Wien„Geistertrio“
17 Mar 2020
Ein Abend mit Silvia Bernhuber und ihrem Kristalschädel
Lausche den Botschaften des Kristalschädels für dich und uns, die zum Teil schon vorbereitet wurden! Du wirst an diesem Abend auch direkt eine persönliche Information des Kristalschädels durch Silvia erhalten und wirst auch den Teil deiner eigens erhaltenen Informationen, welche für alle bestimmt sind, mit uns teilen können! Die Klänge der Glasharmonika erschaffen dazu die hochschwingenden Energieräume - ein einzigartiger Abend!
1180 Wien, Gentzgasse 6/ Stiege 2/ Tür 18- Studio Lebensart
18:00 - 21:00 Uhr € 120.-
Sonne im Herzen Nähe Graz
03 Apr 2020
10:00 Uhr
23 Oct 2020
eine spirituelle Klangreise mit den Heilklängend der Glasharmonika in Kreta
24. - 31. Oktober 2020
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Info und Anmeldung:
Christa und Gerald Schönfeldinger
Telefon: + 43 (0)664 215 36 31
email: office(at)